Ancient Rome

Ancient Rome Materials

Importance of Roman History.—As we begin the study of Roman history, we may ask ourselves the question, Why is this subject important and worthy of our attention? It is because Rome was one of the greatest powers of the ancient world, and has also exercised a great influence upon nearly all modern nations. There are a few great peoples, like the Hebrews, the Greeks, and the Romans, who have done much to make the world what it is. If these peoples had never existed, our life and customs would no doubt be very different from what they are now. In order, then, to understand the world in which we live to-day, we must study these world-peoples, who may have lived many centuries ago, but who have given to us much that makes us what we are—much of our language, our literature, our religion, our art, our government and law. 

   Rome and the Ancient World.—We often think of the Romans as the people who conquered the world. But Rome not only conquered the most important countries of the old world; she also made of these different countries one united people, so that the ancient world became at last the Roman world. The old countries which bordered. upon the Mediterranean Sea - Carthage and Egypt, Palestine and Syria, Greece and Macedonia—all became parts of the Roman Empire. The ideas and customs, the art and institutions, of these countries were taken up and welded together into what we call Roman civilization. We may, therefore, say that Rome was the highest product of the ancient world. 

Chapter 10 and 11

Roman Maps

Chapter 10: The Roman Republic Presentation

Chapter 10: Review

Module 10 Presentation:  Ancient Rome

10.1 Material

The Geography of Rome Activity
Romulus and Remus Video 
Ancient Rome Tour

10.2 Material

Formation of the Roman Republic
Civic Duty: Cincinnatus 
Daily Life in the Republic
Ancient Rome Simulation
12 Tables Activity

10.3 Materials

Chapter 11: The Roman Empire and Christianity Presentation

Chapter 11: Review

11.1 Materials

Colosseum: A Gladiators Story

The Origins and Spread of Christianity
The Legacy of Rome in the Modern World
Ancient Roman Empire Simulation
Rome Resources
Resources 2
Daily Life in Rome Video
Mount Vesuvius and Pompeii 

11.2 Materials

11.3 Materials

Horace's Illustrated History of Rome
The Geography of Rome Activity
Roman PBS Lesson
Emperor of Rome Game
The Rise and Fall of an Empire: Constantine

Chapter 11: The Roman Empire and Christianity
Crash Course History: The Fall of the Roman Empire

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